Sunday, November 29, 2009

Blog #13

If you are talking to someone over the internet and you are not able to see their face then you really don't know who you are talking to. Unless you have high quality video conferencing you are out of luck. It would be easy for someone to lie to another person over the internet and pretend to be whoever they want, that is why we need to see who we are talking too; especially if you are doing a business transaction. People don't want to be cheated out of money, and being able to see the person you are talking to would help cut down on that.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Blog #12

To me, my cell phone always provides a sense of safety for me. I know that if I am somewhere alone and something happens I will also be able to get a hold of someone. For instance if I am driving somewhere late at night and my car breaks down I can call for help. A cell phone is good in this situation because if it's late at night it might not be safe to search for a pay phone or for help. Also I know that if something happens to someone else they will be able to get a hold of me since I always have my phone on me.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Blog #9

I usually listen to music on my laptop, on my ipod, or in my car. I listen while I study or while I walk my dog. I also listen to music every time I am in my car. Usually I listen to cd's but sometime I listen to the radio.
I usually listen to music for entertainment. It makes the time pass by quicker and is better than listening to silence. When I walk my dog, I find that music usually makes me walk farther since my mind isn't on how far i have walked, its on what song I am listening to.