Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Blog #14

I think what stands out in my mind the most, and what I found most interesting was the section on cell phone. I think I liked this section the most and found it the most interesting because I always have my cell phone with me. I think something that surprised me was when we were talking about virtual reality video games. I think the whole concept of VR is very interesting and surprising the things they can do now days and the things they plan on doing in the future.
I think that in general communication technologies play a majorly important role in people's every day life. If people couldn't find a way to communicate with others without being face-to-face, I don't think people would be the same. There are some many communication technologies out there that I now realize exist. Before I took this class I used so many forms of technology, but now when I use these forms of technologies I can know more about where they came from and what exactly they are used for/how they are used. It makes dialing a telephone or using instant messaging more interesting.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Blog #13

If you are talking to someone over the internet and you are not able to see their face then you really don't know who you are talking to. Unless you have high quality video conferencing you are out of luck. It would be easy for someone to lie to another person over the internet and pretend to be whoever they want, that is why we need to see who we are talking too; especially if you are doing a business transaction. People don't want to be cheated out of money, and being able to see the person you are talking to would help cut down on that.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Blog #12

To me, my cell phone always provides a sense of safety for me. I know that if I am somewhere alone and something happens I will also be able to get a hold of someone. For instance if I am driving somewhere late at night and my car breaks down I can call for help. A cell phone is good in this situation because if it's late at night it might not be safe to search for a pay phone or for help. Also I know that if something happens to someone else they will be able to get a hold of me since I always have my phone on me.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Blog #9

I usually listen to music on my laptop, on my ipod, or in my car. I listen while I study or while I walk my dog. I also listen to music every time I am in my car. Usually I listen to cd's but sometime I listen to the radio.
I usually listen to music for entertainment. It makes the time pass by quicker and is better than listening to silence. When I walk my dog, I find that music usually makes me walk farther since my mind isn't on how far i have walked, its on what song I am listening to.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Blog #6

Since their are so many options for video games today I think that some have a good impact on society. Now a days they have video games for children that teach different skills; they help with reading, math, and many other subject. They have fun games that give children a fun way to learn. Their is also video games that help with fitness like the wii fit. It used to be the video games were an unhealthy activity since you only sat around to play, however the wii fit requires you to be up and moving. Regular wii is also provides movement, although playing wii is not as good of a workout as playing the actual sport, it is a better workout then if you were to play a regular video game. They also have handheld video games for adults and children that help with your iq, requiring you to complete thinking puzzles, or challenging task. These types or video games give your brain a workout, or a need break from work or studying. Their are many violent video games out there, or games that provide to stimulation or movement however I think the benifitual ones makeup for that.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Blog #5

I don't remember my very first experience with a pc, however I do remember some early experiences I had with our families pc. It was located in the basement of our house, so even in the summer I was always cold when I used the computer. I remember dial-up, and how annoying that was. Back then, even before I know any different I hated it. Usually I used the internet to get on AOL and insant message with my friends, I had an email account but never recieved anything but junk mail and emails form my friends. I don't remember any major mistakes I had other than my fifth grade AOL screen name. And I guess an accomplishment I had was broad, but it was being able to figure out how it all worked with out any help. After only a few weeks of using AOL, I was aready more knowable then both my parents. I think since I was younger when the computer was introduced into our house I adpoted easier. Also before we had a computer with intrenet in our hosue I had a computer in my room that was for typing practice. It had games on it, I remember playing wheel-of-fortune, and all the games were to help with your typing skills. Some of the games timed your typing and others were just for practice. Even though this computer didn't have internet I do believe that it helped me adpot quicker to the family pc. I think since I was able to experience a computer when I was so young, it helps me even to this day, I am a faster typer which helps me get papers done in a faster speed.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Blog #4

I personally believe that the reason their is an increase an ipod sales and a drop in radio is because an ipod is more practical, more convenient, and has more features. A radio is fine for listen in your house or in your car, but unless you want to walk down the street caring a boom box, an ipod is the more practical option. It's more convenient in that you can choose exactly want you want to listen to. With a radio, you just have to hope that its not a commercial, or hope that its a song you like, or want to listen to. An ipod allows you to put all your favorite songs on a play list so that you always hear a song you like. And finally an ipod has more features. A radio turns on and off, and switched channels, and that's about it; but an ipod does so much more. With a regular, noting fancy, ipod you can use the shuffle mode to hear your songs in a random order, you can play a game, you can even choose your song by artist, album, or genre. With the newest ipod touches you can get on the internet, download thousands of games and thousands of applications. Pretty much anything you can think to download the ipod touch has it.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Blog #2

I personally think that nothing changed in the way of technology viewed by everyday people. In fact I wasn't even aware that the change from analog to digital had taken place. When I watch television now I can't tell the difference from before. I am aware that digital television is better with recordings and with the television quality, however I believe that socially people were mad about the switch. I remember when the switch from analog to digital was pushed back since not everyone was about to purchase the box needed for your television to work. I realize that the government made lots of money off of the switch, however I think that the general public doesn't seem to care. People who were unable to purchase the box couldn't understand why the switch needed to take place. Recently I was talking with a friend about the blog assignment I had due, and she informed me that she no longer has television due to the switch. I don't think that people see the rewards of digital so they are more upset with the consequences of the switch from analog.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Blog Assignment #1

My favorite theory would be the Social Learning/Social Cognitive Theory. I chose this theory as my favorite because I believe it all to be true. I do agree that we can learn by watching someone else, either through watching them in person, or watching them on television. However I do also agree that a person will not play a certain video game, or watch a Halloween murder movie and go out on a killing spree.